


"Dear Santa"

I have had the honor of working closely with Santa the last two years. The letters he receives are heart warming. He said he didn't mind if I shared a few letters with you dear cyber friend, as long as the writer's last names were not revealed. I hope you will enjoy reading them, as much as I did.

My name is Alyssa but you probably know that. Thank you for all the neat gifts you brought me last year. This year I would like a kareoke machine so I can practice my singing. I would like some clothes...cool pants and shirts. I try to be good but it is hard when you have a four year old sister bugging you. I live with my Grandma...I call her Mom...and my Papa since I was born. I am nine...almost ten... in February. Please bring my little sister something cool. She like cars and trains.  And could you give something to my Uncle Shawn. He's 31 years old but the greatest.
Thank you.

Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas, give mine to those less fortunate then I, And may I continue to be Blessed, You too. Yes, even at 50, I still believe in you, May you always Be.

Dear Santa,
Hope you and Mrs. Claus and all the elf's and reindeer are fine.... My Nana is writing this for me..I have been a very good girl this year. I have been going to Head Start and learning lots of new things. For Christmas if you could bring it I would like a coloring desk,rocket tops.and Barbie pants...Take care and try to stay warm in all that snow...
Merry Christmas to you all,

Dear Santa.......
I've tried to be a good girl but sometimes I can't. My Mom (grandma) says it's ok because she loves me. I live with my Grandma and Papa and my big sister, Alyssa and our cats Simba and Nala.  My Mom can't take care of me so I live here. I would like a garage and some cars. And maybe a remote control car. Please.  No dolls or doll clothes....they are to girlish. I'm four years old and I like boy's things.  I go to pre-school. Could you bring something nice for my Mom (grandma) and Papa and Alyssa? Thank-you for all the nice things you brought me last year.  I'll try to be good until Christmas. And I'll leave you some milk and cookies on the kitchen table.

Dear Santa Claus,
I am writing you to ask for a good Christmas for my daughter who lives in another state. She is having her first baby and she is 29 years old. She and her boyfriend live in a pull behind camping trailer with his 11 year old son. She will make due with what they have to live in but you know, it will be really hard for anyone to get sleep through the night when there is a brand new baby there. Kelly is a real good person and deserves so much more than what she has. I just want things to be a little better for my daughter.
Thank you very much.
Kelly's mom

Dear Santa,
My name is Amanda and I have been a good girl all year. I have worked hard on acomplishing my goals and have tried hard not to have any temper tantrums. My (sister) Shyanne and my (brother) Ashton play with me all the time and they love me and I love them. They have been pretty good this year too. I would like a baby doll and a truck for Christmas. Shyanne would like a stereo with remote control and Ashton would like a CD player. I will leave you some cookies and milk and some carrots for the reindeer.

Dear Santa,
I want you to come down or please let me come to the North Pole to see Rudolph. I also want to see the elves. I want to see the other reindeer. Can my family come? I wish you a Merry Christmas. I want to see you, Santa. And I love you. I have a toy Rudolph, too. I want to go to the North Pole. Here is my Christmas List: Barbie and the Nutcracker video (vhs), Nutcracker Barbie doll and Prince, Toy playhouse, Toy Lemonade stand, New purse, Ballet Pointe shoes, Cat, Dog, Baby born doll, Baby doll car seat...pink with hearts on it and white straps, New Dry Erase Markers

Dear Santa,
My name is Tegan, age 4,  and my grandma helped me write the letter to you. I have been a pretty good boy this year but I am having some trouble in school as there have been a lot of changes for me lately. I am really trying. to do a good job. We are having a baby any day now and it is suppose to be a girl so I will have a little sister soon. Her name is T'Kaya. I am not sure of the spelling. My birthday is going to be on Dec 1 and I will be 5. maybe my baby sister will be born on my birthday. I would like  some Hot Wheels and some Crazy Bones and could you please bring something for my new sister too. I will leave some treats out for you and some for the reindeers too.

You can write to Santa too and he will send you an email back as well!


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